The World's Healthiest Pumpkin Pie Smoothie - Sugar-free, Vegan, Paleo, Whole30

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Here is a recipe for a delicious pumpkin pie smoothie that is gluten-free, vegan, Paleo / Primal, sugar-free and GMO-free
I love smoothies. Made with the right ingredients, they can be the perfect meal on the go. They are also a fantastic way to "hide" all sorts of healthy ingredients that otherwise might be difficult to get in your diet, or the diet of your picky family member.
In this recipe, I take all of the flavors of pumpkin pie and put it in a glass, but with spinach and turmeric and without any of the added sugar of pumpkin pie. You heard me right, this recipe is free of added sugar! And somehow a perfect combination of healthy ingredients come together to form a delicious smoothie that tastes like pumpkin pie. No sugar necessary. It's a-m-a-z-i-n-g!

Nutrition Info & Health Benefits

Not only is this smoothie curiously delicious, but all of the ingredients are good for you. Here is a run down using information from The World's Healthiest Foods website:
  • Pumpkin is very nutritious, with 7 grams of fiber and over 200% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin A equivalent beta-carotene per cup.
  • Spinach is also rich in carotenoids, like beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, all of which have been studied for their antioxidant capabilities and keeping the eyes healthy. Spinach is also rich in vitamin K, folate, manganese and antioxidant flavonoids, earning it a place on the list of foods that may protect against cancer. This article is very comprehensive and does a nice job of summarizing the research that has been done on the many beneficial properties of spinach.
  • Coconut oil, which is a component of coconut milk, has been studied for everything from providing a quick source of energy to helping with weight loss to fighting viruses. While historically it has been frowned upon due to the high saturated fat content, recent research has suggested that there may indeed be a lot of benefit to coconut oil and thus coconut milk. 
  • Ginger and turmeric have both been studied for their ability to fight inflammation. According to the Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, curcumin, a compound in turmeric, has even been researched for its ability to fight the pain of rheumatoid arthritis. It's pretty amazing stuff, which is why I hid some in this recipe! Did you know that ginger and turmeric are both also good for your digestive system?
  • The almond butter in this recipe not only adds heart healthy fats and fiber, it also provides biotin, vitamin E, magnesium, and a wonderful depth of flavor!
All of these ingredients come together to create a nutritious and satisfying, Primal and vegan smoothie that has 12 grams of protein, 8 grams of fiber, and lots of beta-carotene and antioxidants!

Tips & Tricks

I've included Amazon links to products below for your convenience. Some of them are affiliate links, which means that I may receive a small commission if you purchase a product through one of my links. Thank you for supporting Taste Abounds!
To make this wonderful smoothie, I use my Ninja Master Prep that I've mentioned so many times before. It does a fantastic job of breaking up the ice and spinach to make a super smooth smoothie, which is impressive for a $40 blender!
A word on ingredients. Make sure the pumpkin you use is good pumpkin! When you open the can, it should smell and taste like pumpkin. I unfortunately learned this helpful tip the hard way after opening a can of pumpkin that looked, smelled and tasted like a nondescript orange mush instead of pumpkin. A flavorless orange mush wouldn't add much pumpkin flavor to a pumpkin recipe, so check your pumpkin puree before you start your recipe to make sure that your end result will have lots of pumpkin flavor. 
To keep this recipe free of added sugar, be sure that the almond butter you use does not have added sugar. And be sure to use unsweetened organic applesauce - unsweetened because we're trying to avoid added sugar in this recipe and organic because apples (and spinach) are among the "dirty dozen", meaning that they are laden with pesticides that cannot be removed with washing. Several genetically modified (GMO) apples have also been approved lately or are in the approval process and will be sold unlabeled with other conventional apples. produce cannot be labeled organic if it is genetically modified, so buying organic applesauce will ensure that your smoothie will be free of genetically modified apples.
Delicious pumpkin pie smoothie made with pumpkin puree, applesauce, spinach, coconut milk, almond butter, ice, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, cloves and turmeric
So there you have it. A smoothie that is gluten-free, vegan, Primal, sugar-free, GMO-free, and effectively hides vegetables and other health-promoting ingredients so you can consume them in a smoothie that tastes like pumpkin pie. It's a pretty good way to consume your veggies, if you ask me!

Check out the video below and keep scrolling down for the recipe!


World's Healthiest Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

Gluten-free | Dairy-free | Egg-free | Vegan | Paleo | Primal | Whole30 Compliant


Makes 2 smoothies
-          2 cups baby spinach leaves, raw
-          1 cup ice
-          1 cup pumpkin puree
-          1 cup applesauce
-          ¼ cup almond butter
-          1 tsp vanilla
-          1 ½ tsp cinnamon
-          ½ tsp nutmeg
-          ½ tsp ground ginger
-          ½ tsp turmeric
-          ¼ tsp ground cloves
-    1 can coconut milk
-          8 oz water


Place ingredients in blender in order listed above (the heavier ingredients will push the spinach leaves down into the blades so they get blended well). Blend until smooth.
Here is a recipe for a delicious pumpkin pie smoothie that is gluten-free, vegan, Paleo / Primal, sugar-free and GMO-free
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